OpenEye 2014
Critical Machine Opera feat. Michal Cáb
23rd of October 2014, 7 p.m.
Institute of Intermedia
FEL ČVUT, Technická 2, Praha 6
Curator: Miloš Vojtěchovský
Admission: free
Critical Machine Opera is a combination of experimental music and tactical media. It is an anti-opera - an intersection of several different areas: stochastic synthesis, thickened sound materials and application of software robot "attackers" used to obtain data on the network.
Robert B. Lisek is a Polish artist, mathematician and composer focusing on the research of numerical, biological, or social systems and processes. He is involved in a number of international and interdisciplinary projects in the areas of critical and artistic strategies, hacktivismu and tactical media. His work is based on conceptual and software arts, from critical media, but it is difficult to categorize. He is also one of the pioneers of the art AI (artificial intelligence), a composer, author of many projects on the edge, between spectral, stochastic, concrete and noise music.
Christian F. Schiller is an Austrian experimental composer, author of many projects in the field of conceptual sound, installations, concerts, performances. He established "" organisation and is an organiser of Sakra! (Damn!) festival.
Michal Cab is a Czech artist mainly concerned with sound and the interaction between image and sound. He studied theology, continued study of the subject CAS (Centre for Audiovisual Studies) at FAMU and completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at The Studio of conceptual art. Since 2009 he works as a teacher of the art multimedia production at the Secondary School Bechyně (multimedia technology, practical training in multimedia).
Presented by FAMU - Department of Audiovisual Studies as part of OpenEye, in collaboration with the Institute of Intermedia, the Gallery School 28 and the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague.
Robert B. Lisek is a Polish artist, mathematician and composer focusing on the research of numerical, biological, or social systems and processes. He is involved in a number of international and interdisciplinary projects in the areas of critical and artistic strategies, hacktivismu and tactical media. His work is based on conceptual and software arts, from critical media, but it is difficult to categorize. He is also one of the pioneers of the art AI (artificial intelligence), a composer, author of many projects on the edge, between spectral, stochastic, concrete and noise music.
Christian F. Schiller is an Austrian experimental composer, author of many projects in the field of conceptual sound, installations, concerts, performances. He established "" organisation and is an organiser of Sakra! (Damn!) festival.
Michal Cab is a Czech artist mainly concerned with sound and the interaction between image and sound. He studied theology, continued study of the subject CAS (Centre for Audiovisual Studies) at FAMU and completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at The Studio of conceptual art. Since 2009 he works as a teacher of the art multimedia production at the Secondary School Bechyně (multimedia technology, practical training in multimedia).
Presented by FAMU - Department of Audiovisual Studies as part of OpenEye, in collaboration with the Institute of Intermedia, the Gallery School 28 and the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague.
Michal Cáb, OpenEye 2014
Critical Machine Opera, OpenEye 2014
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