
Friday, January 23, 2015

22.1.2015 Josef Bolf

Josef Bolf

Heavy Planet

20.12.2014 - 14.2.2015

hunt kastner gallery

Bořivojova 85, Prague 3

Curator: Jiří Ptáček

Open: mon-sun closed, tue-fri 1 p.m. - 6 p.m., sat 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Admission: free

Josef Bolf's solo exhibition presents a series of new work including an animated film, paintings, drawings and collages. As a young boy, bolf loved the sci-fi anthology "Heavy Planet" and he recently gave the same title to his autobiographical text, which then developed into the short animated film of the same name. In this new series of work, Bolf returns to the housing estate of the 1980s, to his own flights and anxieties. He tells of things that he cannot change but they keep coming on their own. More than ever before, however, we are giving free reign to the fact that an encounter with Bolf's art is always an encounter with an excerpt from one narrative. The costumes change, but the actors remain the same. They march forward, but in a circle; sticky asphalt beneath their feet, above their heads the starry sky.

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